Drop Trap With Cover
We find that a drop trap is a necessity as an alternative to the Tru-Catch traps that we normally use. Some cats who are trap shy will typically walk right under a drop trap. In practice, we usually set the trap out as a feeding station for a couple of days to familiarize the cats with the trap. Come trap day it is pretty straightforward. Cat gets under the trap, wait until it has its face in the bowl and then spring the trap. For those of you who might worry about the tail being crushed, fear not as there is a gap around all edges of the trap to avoid just such an injury. We have added the cover to be automatically and quickly sprung to minimize the possibility of the cat injuring itself in the trap. As soon as the trap is covered the cat will generally quiet down immediately. This video was taken with a trail camera which had a timer of only 30 seconds so there was no time left to record the transfer process into the Tru-Catch trap.